Une image contenant herbe, plante, racine de pissenlit, plein air

Description générée automatiquementTHIS YEAR, BE GENEROUS !

Proverbs 11:25 says: "A generous person will prosper; and he who waters will also be watered himself." We are much happier when we give than when we take. The Bible tells us that there is more joy in giving than in receiving, and this is so true. When we're selfish, our lives are mediocre, and we can't be truly happy.

You can give in all kinds of ways, even small gestures and little things: compliments, encouragement, smiles, physical or financial help, etc.

God expects us to behave as He does. He loves to give, it's his nature.  He blesses the generous heart but warns that the greedy will not inherit his kingdom. (1 Corinthians 6:10)

God is a generous god, not a god who gives only a little or as little as possible; and as believers created in his image, we too should give generously. Work to become more and more generous. Don't be content to stagnate at a certain level where you congratulate yourself on what you have given in the past. Aim to give more.

However, be careful not to give in order to be thanked or noticed, or because your religion demands it. Do it for God, because you want to help someone else. If you do it sincerely for these two reasons, God will always give you back more than you gave. He never forgets the gifts we give with a sincere heart.

He calls us to be like Him: "Therefore be imitators of God, because you are his dearly loved children". (Ephesians 5.1)

What He gives you, don't store it up by becoming a dead sea, filled with stagnant water. On the contrary, pour it out, because He wants to use you to meet a need.

Generosity is more than an action. It is a way of thinking and living, a heart attitude. Every believer should be overflowingly generous.

And a generous heart has nothing to do with your personal wealth. A poor person, who claims that he will become generous when he becomes rich, is deceiving himself. A poor stingy person, if he becomes rich, will become a rich stingy person and a poor generous person, if he becomes rich, will become a rich generous person.

This year, take every opportunity to give, whether it's love, time, a service, a smile, a kind word, some encouragement or a prayer, but also your money, even if it's a sacrifice for you! Live generously!

DO IT INTENTIONALLY ! Every morning when you wake up, say to yourself: "What can I do today for someone else? Are there people around me who have needs that I could meet?" Let this be your goal every day and that way, you'll live your life to the full and be a happy person.